What are ad extensions in Google Ads, and how to set them?

create google ads extensions

In the ever-evolving world of online advertising and PPC channels, staying ahead of the competition requires more than just catchy PPC ad copy and targeted keywords. It’s about enhancing your ad’s visibility and providing potential customers with valuable information right from the search results page. This is where ad extensions come into play. In this article, we’ll dive deep into the world of ad extensions for Google Ads, exploring what they are, why they matter, and how to set them up effectively.

Understanding Ad Extensions

What Are Ad Extensions?

Ad extensions are additional pieces of information that can be added to your Google Ads to provide more context and value to potential customers. They appear below your ad and can include various details such as location, contact numbers, links to specific website pages, and more. These extensions make your ad more informative and engaging. According to Search Engine Journal:

Google Ads extensions extend your ads, claiming more real estate on search engine results pages (SERPs) and helping searchers make decisions.

Why Are Ad Extensions Important?

Ad extensions serve several essential purposes. Firstly, they increase the visibility of your ad by taking up more space on the search results page. Secondly, they provide valuable information to users without them having to click on the ad, leading to more qualified clicks. Lastly, they can improve your ad’s click-through rate (CTR) and Quality Score, positively impacting your ad’s overall performance.

Types of Ad Extensions

Google offers a variety of ad extensions to cater to different business goals and customer needs. Let’s explore some of the most common types:

Location Extensions

Location extensions display your business’s physical address alongside your ad. This is particularly useful for brick-and-mortar stores, as it helps potential customers find you easily.

Callout Extensions

Callout extensions allow you to add short, enticing messages to your ad, highlighting unique selling points or special offers.

Sitelink Extensions

Sitelink extensions provide links to specific pages on your website, directing users to relevant content like product pages, services, or promotions.

Structured Snippet Extensions

Structured snippet extensions let you showcase specific aspects of your products or services, such as brands, product categories, or service types.

Price Extensions

Price extensions display the cost of your products or services directly within the ad, helping users quickly assess whether they fit their budget.

App Extensions

App extensions encourage users to download your mobile app by providing a direct link to the app store.

Promotion Extensions

Promotion extensions highlight special offers, discounts, or sales events, enticing users to click on your ad for a great deal.

Creating Ad Extensions

google ads extensions

Step-by-Step Guide

To set up ad extensions, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your Google Ads account.
  2. Select the campaign you want to add extensions to.
  3. Click on the “Ads & Extensions” tab.
  4. Choose the extension type you want to create.
  5. Fill in the necessary information.
  6. Save your extension.

Choosing the Right Extensions

The choice of extensions depends on your business goals. For instance, if you want to drive online sales, consider using price extensions. If you’re focused on increasing foot traffic to your store, location extensions are key.

Mobile-Friendly Extensions

Ensure that your ad extensions are mobile-friendly. With the increasing use of smartphones, many users will see your ads on smaller screens.

Measuring Ad Extension Performance

Key Metrics to Monitor

To gauge the effectiveness of your ad extensions, keep an eye on metrics like CTR, conversion rate, and impression share. These metrics can help you identify which extensions are performing well and which may need optimization.

A/B Testing for Optimization

Consider running A/B tests to compare different ad extensions and see which ones yield the best results. Experiment with variations to find the winning combination.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Neglecting to Use Ad Extensions

One common mistake is not utilizing ad extensions at all. Failure to do so means missing out on valuable opportunities to engage potential customers.

Overcrowding with Extensions

While ad extensions are valuable, overcrowding your ad with too many of them can overwhelm users. Be strategic in your choices.

Ignoring Mobile Users

Don’t forget that a significant portion of users access Google Ads via mobile devices. Ensure that your extensions are mobile-responsive for a seamless experience.

Future Trends in Ad Extensions

Automation and Machine Learning

As technology advances, expect to see more automation and machine learning integration in ad extensions, allowing for more personalized and efficient campaigns.

Enhanced Personalization

Ad extensions will become even more tailored to individual user preferences, improving user experience and ad relevance.

Integration with Voice Search

With the rise of voice-activated devices, ad extensions may evolve to integrate with voice search, providing spoken responses to user queries.


In the dynamic realm of online advertising, setting ad extensions for Google Ads is a crucial strategy for enhancing your ad’s visibility and delivering valuable information to potential customers. By understanding the types of extensions available, creating them effectively, and continually measuring their performance, you can stay ahead in the competitive world of digital advertising. At 23rd, our team of experts specialize in managing and optimizing PPC campaigns to drive traffic, increase conversions and boost ROI. From keyword research and ad copywriting to bid management and campaign optimization, we’ve got you covered. Contact us today to learn more about our services!

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1. What are the primary benefits of using ad extensions?

Ad extensions increase ad visibility, provide valuable information, and improve click-through rates and ad performance.

2. Can I use multiple ad extensions in a single ad?

Yes, you can use multiple ad extensions in a single ad to provide users with more information.

3. Are ad extensions available for all types of Google Ads campaigns?

Most ad extensions are available for various campaign types, but some may have restrictions based on your business goals.

4. How often should I update my ad extensions?

Regularly review and update your ad extensions to ensure they remain relevant and effective for your advertising goals.

5. Are there any additional costs associated with using ad extensions?

No, Google Ads charges for clicks, not for the use of ad extensions. You’ll only pay when a user interacts with your ad.

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